As educators, we understand that one of the many roles a teacher has is that of facilitator. We believe that one of the main goals of education is to inspire as well as empower the learner. It is our hope as teachers that our students will not only come to a better understanding of themselves and the world around them, but that they will choose to use their knowledge to take action dedicated to improving both. We believe education should not only prepare students for the world in which they live, it should inspire and empower them to change it for the better.
At Edvance our core philosophy is based in part on the belief that we are all learners. The Japanese word for teacher is "sensei". If you look at the actual kanji (Chinese-based characters) that make up the word you will discover that they mean "student that came before". Every teacher is a student, and every student a teacher.
Our mission is to empower, and hopefully inspire, the teacher and the student found inside every educator. We do this in a number of ways. Firstly, we create software designed specifically to save teachers time in the work they already do. Secondly, we are committed to finding new innovations that will lead teachers to do what they once believed was impossible. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, we encourage our schools to actively participate in the software development process itself thereby empowering our users to not only benefit directly from existing technologies but to contribute to the creation of new ones.
We believe that the purpose of education is not simply to prepare students of all ages to meet the challenges of the world as it is today, but to inspire and empower them to go forth and change it for a better tomorrow. It is in that spirit that we invite you to become part of the growing Edvance community of users.
Michael Bush